Cape Roger Curtis Master Plan
Bowen Island
THE CHALLENGE Following a contentious comprehensive master planning/rezoning process 10 years ago, political tensions resulted in a village plan being disapproved. The developer then subdivided the Cape and zoned as single family estate lots. In recent years the developer has re-started a master planning process to explore a village concept that can bring density to the Cape while satisfying the Island’s amenity needs & character.
THE SOLUTION MODUS was hired to work with the Cape on Bowen development group to explore a new vision for a mixed use “village” neighbourhood at Cape Roger Curtis. Highlights include a specific shift in residential housing typologies towards the development of “-plexes” (2, 3 and 4 unit) forms that can balance rural character with objectives related to affordability and opportunities for aging-in-place.
A series of selected housing typologies where developed to accommodate the sensitive geographic terrain and character of the Island. We used 3D modelling and visualization to test multiple development scenarios and gain better understanding of financial feasibility and built-form fit.
Cape on Bowen Development Group
Webster Engineering Ltd