Kamloops Downtown Plan Charrette & Design Guidelines
2018 - 2019
City of Kamloops
The City of Kamloops, while developing their Downtown Plan, approached MODUS to lead and develop specific elements of the process and Plan: a Charrette and the Design Guidelines.
As part of the charrette, the MODUS team delivered a public lecture and design workshops over multiple days to create a compelling vision for the future of Downtown Kamloops. Working closely with City of Kamloops staff and collaborators Cal Srigley and Frank Ducote, MODUS translated community, stakeholder and staff priorities for the future of Downtown Kamloops into a vision - represented through annotated site plans, sectional studies and character sketches.
The Downtown vision presented a compelling future for Downtown Kamloops that reconciled many longstanding issues related to public realm improvement, redevelopment of key sites, circulation and major amenity programming within the downtown.
The Downtown Plan was adopted in a unanimous vote by Council in December 2019.
City of Kamloops
Frank Ducote
Cal Srigley
Key Team Members