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Downtown Kitimat Urban Design Guidelines & Stucture Plan


Kitimat is anticipatng a boom & change in the pace of development due to the LNG Canada project ( $40 billion megaproject). In the fresh wave of change, the city wanted to re-envision the downtown to celebrate Kitimat’s past while revitalizing the open spaces, vibrancy, and celebratory aspect of downtowns.


MODUS was hired to support the District of Kitimat with a full range of planning, design and engagement services, specifically focused on the development of a downtown infill masterplan and design guidelines. Project highlights include the design of an “infill main street” and residential infill neighbourhood within the heritage downtown masterplan.

The updated downtown plan and design guidelines includes opportunities to directly harness the new wave of development within Kitimat to make lasting, structural changes to the pattern and focus of future development in the downtown. The downtown plan maintains a focus on a compact, complete and connected community while the design guidelines emphasize a “look and feel” that accommodates contemporary development forms while complementing the heritage qualities of the downtown.


District of Kitimat



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