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City of Langley OCP and Zoning Bylaw

Preparing a community for change as SkyTrain transforms a City.


Given the planned Surrey-Langley SkyTrain extension, Langley City is focused on shaping the dramatic growth expected around future SkyTrain stations and planning for a safe, affordable, and beautiful community rich in amenities. Previous efforts to diversify housing forms and create more compact and complete neighbourhoods south of the Nicomekl River fell flat and ultimately failed at gaining the proper community buy-in.


MODUS led a comprehensive update to the City of Langley’s Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw. Our process involved significant public and stakeholder engagement, including a multi-day design charrette to explore the allocation of growth, an urban structure, and diverse housing forms. Following adoption of the OCP, draft zones prioritizing missing middle housing forms are expected to be integrated into a redesigned and user-friendly Zoning Bylaw document. This comprehensive OCP and Zoning Bylaw charts a new path for Langley City, one that will fundamentally change the urban structure of the community and prepare City Hall for major redevelopment projects catalyzed by the Surrey-Langley SkyTrain extension.


City of Langley



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